Macbeth (AFTLS Fall 2022) (San Antonio)


Location: UTSA Arts Building Recital Hall, University of Texas - San Antonio

Company: Actors From The London Stage


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Ruthless ambition gives way to murder in Macbeth, Shakespeare’s always-relevant examination of the lacerating effect of the reckless desire for power. This poisonous cocktail of ambition, guilt, and paranoia, with subtle seasonings of the supernatural, explores fascinatingly conflicted characters with the velocity of a riveting thriller. Intense, disturbing, and, ultimately, profoundly moving, Macbeth is one of the playwright’s greatest dramatic achievements. 

Prophesied to become a great king, the Scottish warrior Macbeth undertakes a brutal path to power. With his scheming wife by his side, Macbeth maneuvers and murders his way into the throne. But with his ascension comes a steep price. With vengeful rivals threatening to strip everything away, Macbeth’s tormented conscience leads him into a downward spiral of madness and self-destruction. 

Actors From The London Stage, the renowned five-actor touring group, brings this extraordinary tale to life during a sweeping international tour this fall. With five actors each portraying multiple roles, the dynamic energy of Shakespeare's thrilling tale will be revealed like never before.


  • Roger May: Macbeth / Old Man / Sergeant / Messenger
  • Anne Odeke: Malcolm / Lady Macduff / First Witch / First Murderer / Caithness / Gentlewoman / Messenger
  • Claire Redcliffe: Lady Macbeth / Donalbain / Ross / Fleance / Second Witch / Young Siward / Messenger
  • Annabelle Terry: Banquo / Lennox / Porter / Doctor / Son / Menteith / Siward / Hecate
  • Michael Wagg: King Duncan / Macduff / Third Witch / Second Murderer / Angus / Seyton


  • Philip d'Orléans, Fight Choreographer